Lessons in the Messy…

There are days when I wake up and I feel as though my children had some type of supernatural encounter because they are behaving like angels😇. They help me make breakfast, they start the coffee pot for me, they have completed their morning routine without any reminders, they are not fussing with each but actually helping each other and being extra nice (at this point I am a little suspicious 🧐😉) like where are my real children…lol.

Have all the prayers we’ve prayed over them been answered overnight? Has discipline finally paid off? Are the little lessons, the “growth moments”, the frustration and stress that comes from raising children finally over? Am I finally at a place where I can relax, take a deep breath and see fruit from all the hard work, the laboring of raising Godly children? 😤🤨I wish that was kind of how my life as a mother played out every day but yesterday was nowhere close to that type of day. 😢

The boys wake up arguing and they argued for most of the day, the grocery store trip was a total wreck (no angels today😇I think they forgot all the rules for grocery shopping) I was totally stressed😩. After sit-down talks, reminders, time-outs, consequences, and prayer, I am tempted to say my day was a complete turnaround but I had one of those days when I wanted to send my children to a professional… lol🤭🤫… we decided to send them to bed early😴.

The next day …I barely had to correct them, the day was smooth and stress-free.

LESSON…💡Life is just not meant to be smooth sailing every day (I really would like that🤩) but we don’t grow without pressure. Henry Kissenger says that a diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure. The more pressure, the more growth.

Look at what the Bible says about pressure and gold..

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trialsThese have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed (1 Peter 1:6-7).

But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as (pure) gold (Job 23;10).


tilt shift lens photography of woman wearing red sweater and white skirt while holding a boy wearing white and black crew neck shirt and blue denim short
Photo by Nicholas Githiri on Pexels.com

God is in the middle of our messy days.

God is not limited to work only on a good day. He is working on our behave even on the most challenging days. We have to trust the Lord with our children. We have to trust the Lord with our chaotic, stressful days as well as our well-planned, stress- free days. We also have to trust Him with misbehaved kids as well as well-behaved kids. We are not in the driver’s seat. We are partnering with the Lord. Every day will not be peachy but we can trust the Lord who meets us right where we are and is a present help in our time of need. I hope this brought some encouragement to you Mommies and know that you are not alone on this parenting journey👭.



Can you relate?  What’s do your days look like? What lessons have you learned in the messy?

~Still Becoming~

zonnette jackson 6

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About Me

I’m Zonnette, you can call me “Zoe” which means “life of a fighter or warrior”. Are you ready to join me on this wild ride as I spill the unfiltered, chaotic, yet oh-so-rewarding lessons of our family journey?…Get ready to shift your prospective! Get ready to be empowered! Get ready to love your strengths and embrace your weaknesses. Get ready to win at life.